If the bank had loaned the money to the vie the loan would not have been eliminated in consolidation. 如果银行向VIE贷了款,那么合并之后贷款应依然存在。
But banks can lower their expenses by putting away less money for future loan losses. 而银行少计提一部分贷款的话就能降低费用。
Still, FDIC officials said much of the profit boost from a year ago came from banks putting less money aside for future loan losses, and not from an improvement in their actual business. 不过,美国联邦存款保险公司的官员们表示,利润同比增长的一大原因是银行减少了应对未来贷款损失的拨备计提,并非来自实际业务的改善。
Attractive people are more likely to be happier, earn more money, get a bank loan ( with a lower interest rate) and marry equally good looking partners. 长相漂亮的人通常更快乐,挣的钱更多,能得到利息更低的银行贷款,还能和长得同样漂亮的伴侣结婚。
B: I like to ( open up a savings account/ change money/ take out a loan), please. 我想开一个(储蓄帐户/换一些钱/获得贷款)。
The full name that housing accumulation fund borrows money is individual housing assures entrust loan. 住房公积金贷款的全称是个人住房担保委托贷款。
It's extremely dangerous to borrow money from loan sharks. 借高利贷是极端危险的。
Unless she borrowed the money from a loan shark, to cover the cost and then was unable to pay it back. 除非她向高利贷借钱买助听器然后没钱还给他们。
You may receive some positive news in regards to money or a loan. 你会得到一些关于钱和贷款方面的好消息。
Oh, so you borrowed money from a loan shark. 哦,你跟地下钱庄借了钱。
Tell simply, reserve is moved on the bank, the kind that much money cannot use loan borrows! Such, heat up the afflux of money less! 简单的讲,银行上调预备金,就有大量的钱不能利用贷款的方式借出!这样,就少了热钱的流入!
And enough money to pay back the loan. 而且有足够的钱来偿还贷款。
The foreign bank and the Shanxi money shop takes back the short-term loan in abundance, individual depositor also urgently withdraws cash. 外国银行和山西票号纷纷收回短期贷款,个人储户也紧急提现。
The elimination of inflation would ensure that the amount of money used in repaying a loan would have the same value as the amount of money borrowed. 消除通货膨胀应确保还贷的确是的钱应与所贷款的确是的价值相同。
Money on loan generally at a fixed rate of interest, is called debentures notes or bonds. 定期债券,通常有一个固定的利息,常称为债券、票或公债。
"Would you mind telling me how you made the money to pay back my loan?" “你能不能告诉我,你还帐的钱是怎么来的?”
If the worker dealt with housing to borrow money and have not settle, still can extract housing accumulation fund every year to repay housing borrows money, strong reach loan remaining sum, reduce a worker still shift pressure. 职工假如办理了住房贷款且尚未结清,还可以每年提取一次住房公积金偿还住房贷款,冲抵贷款余额,减轻职工的还贷压力。
Banks and other financial institutions are sitting on a giant mound of money they can loan, if and when conditions improve. 如果情况有所好转,或者是当情况好转之时,银行和其它金融机构能贷出大量资金。
Get sb to give one money ( as a loan or by begging) 让某人给些钱(或借或讨)
But we didnt have the money and we had no loan capability. 我们没钱,也没有贷款的能力。
Money paid as a loan or as a part of a payment which is to be completed later 作为贷款或作为今后全部付款中的一部分支付出的钱
He then handed the banker the money to pay his loan off. 然后他把钱交给银行家,还清了贷款。
One of the hurdles of a no money down home loan is the additional cost of private mortgage insurance. 其中的一个障碍就是没有钱的额外成本下跌家私人贷款抵押保险。
Its main object is the direct financing system about money loan. 集资诈骗罪侵犯的客体是复杂客体,次要客体是投资者的财产所有权,主要客体是有关货币借贷的直接融资制度。
On hand real estate industry's development need a lot of money to loan from banks that improves the development of banks, the same reversely. 而银行业的发展,特别是银行取得贷款资金方式的增加,反过来又会促进房地产的发展。
Those rural cooperatives are in shortage of funds by self-collection, its ability to run an operation on its own is very poor, and the money they loan to farmers are mostly borrowed from other sources. 作者认为这些农村合作社自集资金十分短绌,其独立经营能力十分单薄,贷予社员的款项多由外部借来;
Since the underdevelopment of money market, the bank loan turns to be the major financing way. 由于我国金融市场尚不发达,向银行贷款成为目前公司负债融资的主要方式。
Although the government has invested a lot of money to develop alow-interest loan, most farmers are still financing from informal channels. 政府投入大量资金发展对农户的低息贷款工程,但还是杯水车薪,大部分农户依然依靠非正规金融融资。
Usury in JiangNan rural area had mainly forms of Money Loan, Credit-in-kind and the ramification of both. It is the uppermost origin of loan for peasants in JiangNan rural area. 江南农村高利贷主要有货币借贷、实物借贷及二者衍生的其他借贷形式,是江南农村农民最主要的借款来源。
In addition, it should set up a analysis framework, including interest rates, money supply, loan amount, the exchange rate stock price and other economic variables. 此外,应该建立一个包括利率、货币量、资产价格、汇率以及其他经济变量在内的信息变量集和分析框架。